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DEIN-4811 | 10021 | May 31 and june 1, 2021 | Virtual | 4 |
Contemporary international life has become unthinkable without the existence of public international law. Increasingly, international relations have become juridified, while more and more actors (international organizations, individuals, groups, NGOs, and corporations) participate in norm creation, implementation and enforcement. And, as humanity faces unprecedented challenges, the call for more cooperation and regulation is undiminished. This course offers a comprehensive overview of the topic of public international law. It provides students with a broad introduction that will focus on laying a firm foundation of knowledge about the most important doctrines and topics in this field. It will provide students with a solid grasp of the vocabulary of international law (sources, jurisdiction, responsibility, enforcement, etc.), as well as a sense of the context in which international law originates and operates and an understanding of the legal and political institutions that play a role in international law and dispute settlement. Students will also be introduced to the methods prevalent in international legal argumentation as well as the methodology for researching international law. Finally, the course will analyze a broad range of contemporary issues using international legal tools, such as peace and security, the use of force, human rights, humanitarian law, criminal law, diplomatic and consular protection, amongst others.