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    • Course Comparative law in a global perspective | Derecho | Uniandes
      Course Comparative law in a global perspective | Derecho | Uniandes
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    MDER-496410079May 31 and june 1, 2021Virtual4

    The course introduces and analyzes comparative law in a global perspective, providing students with an overview of the most important legal traditions of the world. The first part of the course focuses on the meaning of comparative law and introduces basic concepts, such as those of legal traditions, legal transplants and legal pluralism, considering legal globalization as one of the most important developments for contemporary legal studies. The second part deals with the core of the Western legal traditions analyzing the Common law & Civil law archetypical divide. It also analyses mixed legal systems, their distinctive traits and growing importance for comparative legal studies. The meaning of democracy and human rights as Western or universal values is investigated as well in this part of the course. The third cycle broadens the course’s comparative spectrum to some of the most important non-Western/non-European legal traditions (Sub-Saharan, East-Asian, Talmudic, Islamic and Latin American) and questions the possible reconciliation of legal diversity on a global scale.

    June 8 to 22, 2021

     Monday to Friday (monday 7 and 14, no class)
    Class9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
    Break11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 
    Class11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


    Valentina Volpe


    Valentina Volpe (Universidad Católica de Lille - Francia)

    Valentina Volpe (Italy) is an associate professor of public international law and the co-director of the LL.M in Human Rights, Security, and Development at the Law School of Lille Catholic University (France). She is also a senior research affiliate and a former senior research fellow (post-doc) at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (MPIL) in Heidelberg (Germany) and an adjunct professor at Sciences Po in Paris, Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome and Los Andes University in Bogota'. Valentina has studied law in Italy, France, and the US. She is a former visiting researcher at Yale Law School and holds a Ph.D. summa cum laude in Law and Legal Theory from the Italian Institute of Human Sciences (SUM) of Naples (currently the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa). More…

    Email: valentina.volpe@univ-catholille.fr

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